Este es el último trabajo de excel de la evaluación, tendremos que realizar una tienda de portátiles en la que el comprador elija los complementos del portátil.
En la portada pondremos el logo y los datos de la tienda con los botones que nos lleven a los componentes y a la factura.
En los componentes pondremos los propios componentes del portátil que serán:
-Disco duro.
-Tarjeta gráfica.
-Memoria Ram.
-Placa base.
-Tarjeta de sonido.
Y sus respectivos botones.
En la factura habrá una tabla con una lista desplegable de componentes y según cual elijamos nos aparecerá su código, precio y precio con iva mediante la función buscarv excepto el precio con iva que será multiplicando al precio por 1,21. Luego tendremos una casilla con la suma total de todo con la función suma y otra con el precio límite, si te pasas de este valor saldrá una ventana emergente que nos dirá presupuesto superado. Con los botones borrar e imprimir y los que nos sirven para desplazarnos por la portada y los productos.
domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014
Resolución y representación de ecuaciones
En este trabajo de excel teníamos que solucionar y representar ecuaciones de primer y segundo grado.
En la portada poníamos el título y cuatro botones que te lleven a:
-Ecuaciones primer grado.
-Ecuaciones segundo grado.
-Representación ecuaciones primer grado.
-Representación ecuaciones segundo grado.
En la ventana ecuaciones primer grado ponemos el título, una casilla llamada "valor x" con la fórmula de función si que nos dará el valor de la x, una ecuación a la que podemos darle valores, botones que nos lleven a las demás ventanas y botones de borrar e imprimir.
En la ventana ecuaciones segundo grado ponemos el título, una casilla llamada discriminante que nos dará el resultado de la raíz, otra casilla que nos dará el primer valor de x y otra el segundo valor, luego otra casilla que nos señala cuantas soluciones hay, los botones que nos llevan a las demás ventanas y los botones de borrar e imprimir. Todas las fórmulas serán realizadas con la función si.
En la ventana representación ecuaciones primer grado pondremos el título, una columna para poner los valores que queramos dar a x, una casilla donde poner la fórmula y=ax+b con las casillas valor de a y valor de b, otra columna con los resultados de esa ecuación, los botones que usamos en las anteriores diapositivas y una tabla en la que hemos seleccionado todos los valores.
En la última ventana, representación de ecuaciones segundo grado haremos lo mismo que en las de primer grado solo que cambiará la fórmula a: y=ax^2+bx+c y le añadiremos la casilla valor de c.
En la portada poníamos el título y cuatro botones que te lleven a:
-Ecuaciones primer grado.
-Ecuaciones segundo grado.
-Representación ecuaciones primer grado.
-Representación ecuaciones segundo grado.
En la ventana ecuaciones primer grado ponemos el título, una casilla llamada "valor x" con la fórmula de función si que nos dará el valor de la x, una ecuación a la que podemos darle valores, botones que nos lleven a las demás ventanas y botones de borrar e imprimir.
En la ventana ecuaciones segundo grado ponemos el título, una casilla llamada discriminante que nos dará el resultado de la raíz, otra casilla que nos dará el primer valor de x y otra el segundo valor, luego otra casilla que nos señala cuantas soluciones hay, los botones que nos llevan a las demás ventanas y los botones de borrar e imprimir. Todas las fórmulas serán realizadas con la función si.
En la ventana representación ecuaciones primer grado pondremos el título, una columna para poner los valores que queramos dar a x, una casilla donde poner la fórmula y=ax+b con las casillas valor de a y valor de b, otra columna con los resultados de esa ecuación, los botones que usamos en las anteriores diapositivas y una tabla en la que hemos seleccionado todos los valores.
En la última ventana, representación de ecuaciones segundo grado haremos lo mismo que en las de primer grado solo que cambiará la fórmula a: y=ax^2+bx+c y le añadiremos la casilla valor de c.
domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014
Factura excel
En este trabajo tuvimos que hacer una factura sobre una tienda en excel, mi tienda era una tienda de muebles. En este trabajo debíamos tener 4 ventanas:
En la página principal teníamos que poner el logo de la tienda, la dirección, el número de teléfono, el correo electrónico, la página web y tres botones que nos llevasen al resto de las ventanas mediante macros o hipervínculos.
En la página de clientes debíamos incluir una tabla con los datos: código, nombre, apellido, teléfono, email y dirección. Y dos botones para desplazarnos a la página siguiente o a la anterior.
En la página productos teníamos que incluir otra tabla con los datos: código, producto y precio.
Y en la página factura teníamos que incluir dos tablas, una con: código, cliente, apellido, teléfono, dirección, email. En esta tabla utilizamos la función SI y BuscarV en todas las casillas excepto la del código.
En la otra tabla poníamos los datos: código, producto, importe, importe con IVA, unidades, precio, total. Usábamos la función SI y BuscarV
en los datos producto e importe, solo la función SI en importe con IVA y precio y la función SUMA en total. Y tenía que incluir los botones borrar e imprimir mediante macros y los botones principal, producto y clientes.
En la página principal teníamos que poner el logo de la tienda, la dirección, el número de teléfono, el correo electrónico, la página web y tres botones que nos llevasen al resto de las ventanas mediante macros o hipervínculos.
En la página de clientes debíamos incluir una tabla con los datos: código, nombre, apellido, teléfono, email y dirección. Y dos botones para desplazarnos a la página siguiente o a la anterior.
En la página productos teníamos que incluir otra tabla con los datos: código, producto y precio.
Y en la página factura teníamos que incluir dos tablas, una con: código, cliente, apellido, teléfono, dirección, email. En esta tabla utilizamos la función SI y BuscarV en todas las casillas excepto la del código.
En la otra tabla poníamos los datos: código, producto, importe, importe con IVA, unidades, precio, total. Usábamos la función SI y BuscarV
en los datos producto e importe, solo la función SI en importe con IVA y precio y la función SUMA en total. Y tenía que incluir los botones borrar e imprimir mediante macros y los botones principal, producto y clientes.
lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014
La sociedad del conocimiento
La sociedad del conocimiento se originó en 1960, el primer filósofo en usar ese término fue Peter Ducker. Emergen de la implantación de las TICs (Tecnología de la información y de la comunicación) en la vida cotidiana.
Los antecedentes datan en 1973 cuando Daniel Bell incorpora el término de "sociedad de la información" en su libro.
Las características principales son:
Exhuberancia: diversa cantidad de datos.
Omnipresencia: están en todos lados.
Irradiación: las distancias físicas se vuelven relativas.
Velocidad: la comunicación se ha vuelto instantánea
Multilateralidad/Centralidad: se recibe información de todas partes.
Interactividad/Unilateralidad: los instrumentos para propagar información permiten consumir y elaborar mensajes propios.
Desigualdad: en algunas naciones la gente tiene mucha facilidad para poder obtener información por internet pero en los países subdesarrollados no tienen posibilidad e incluso en los países desarrollados los marginados no pueden.
Heterogeneidad: internet se ha convertido en foro de toda índole incluso de carácter agresivo e incómodo.
Desorientación: no es necesariamente fuente de enriquecimiento
cultural, sino a veces de aturdimiento personal y colectivo.
Brecha digital:
La brecha digital se define como la separación que existe entre las personas (comunidades, estados, países…) que utilizan las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) como una parte rutinaria de su vida diaria y aquellas que no tienen acceso a las mismas y que aunque las tengan no saben cómo utilizarlas.
Los antecedentes datan en 1973 cuando Daniel Bell incorpora el término de "sociedad de la información" en su libro.
Las características principales son:
Exhuberancia: diversa cantidad de datos.
Omnipresencia: están en todos lados.
Irradiación: las distancias físicas se vuelven relativas.
Velocidad: la comunicación se ha vuelto instantánea
Multilateralidad/Centralidad: se recibe información de todas partes.
Interactividad/Unilateralidad: los instrumentos para propagar información permiten consumir y elaborar mensajes propios.
Desigualdad: en algunas naciones la gente tiene mucha facilidad para poder obtener información por internet pero en los países subdesarrollados no tienen posibilidad e incluso en los países desarrollados los marginados no pueden.
Heterogeneidad: internet se ha convertido en foro de toda índole incluso de carácter agresivo e incómodo.
Brecha digital:
La brecha digital se define como la separación que existe entre las personas (comunidades, estados, países…) que utilizan las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) como una parte rutinaria de su vida diaria y aquellas que no tienen acceso a las mismas y que aunque las tengan no saben cómo utilizarlas.
domingo, 15 de junio de 2014
how to clean your footprint on internet
1. Go out of social networks
It must be the first action. Enter the accounts you have on Facebook, Instagram, Flickr or Twitter and be sure to set all options with the maximum privacy. They cease to be 'social' for you, but your data will be overshadowed for other community members. An intermediate method proceeds to disable the account and can retrieve it later. However, it would be appropriate to terminate the account and ask managers writing erasing your data.
Do not forget go out of all photos and negotiate with their owners content removal. The information will not magically disappear, you must have patience and insist if after a few days is still reachable.
2. Did you write something?
The contents published have a great preponderance in Google. Copyright memory. Have you published a blog? You participated in a publication?? Opinaste? With your real name on a public forum? All this is likely to come to light in the future and must be removed if the data can commit.
It is very easy to drop a blog (if you do not remember your password, email searches), but not signed for a news or column. Generally the media are reluctant to remove entries from your file, especially if they do not prove incorrect. What is solution? Identify the information that can actually harm us and reach an agreement with the various publications. This section provides legal advice can help resolve the conflict in your favor, especially if the information is wrong or outdated.
3. Find yourself on Google
The above steps are aimed at erasing their activity, but there is still the third. To know, simply enter your name in Google I quoted. First classifies content between malicious and benign harmless because, as soon as you've moved in the network, you can not kill all the links and references. Contact managers by providing a copy of your ID to prove you are the person referred to.
In many cases you will not get an answer, but the data will disappear as if by magic. This usually happens within three to eight days. Ideally, repeat this process with the other search engines to get the desired effect.
Finally some information, especially comments, it will be impossible to put them out of circulation. In these cases the 'modus operandi' of companies who dedicate themselves to 'clean' profiles is to flood the negative points with dozens of positive reviews. You know the saying, so do not miss out on the first screen of Google, does not exist.
It must be the first action. Enter the accounts you have on Facebook, Instagram, Flickr or Twitter and be sure to set all options with the maximum privacy. They cease to be 'social' for you, but your data will be overshadowed for other community members. An intermediate method proceeds to disable the account and can retrieve it later. However, it would be appropriate to terminate the account and ask managers writing erasing your data.
Do not forget go out of all photos and negotiate with their owners content removal. The information will not magically disappear, you must have patience and insist if after a few days is still reachable.
2. Did you write something?
The contents published have a great preponderance in Google. Copyright memory. Have you published a blog? You participated in a publication?? Opinaste? With your real name on a public forum? All this is likely to come to light in the future and must be removed if the data can commit.
It is very easy to drop a blog (if you do not remember your password, email searches), but not signed for a news or column. Generally the media are reluctant to remove entries from your file, especially if they do not prove incorrect. What is solution? Identify the information that can actually harm us and reach an agreement with the various publications. This section provides legal advice can help resolve the conflict in your favor, especially if the information is wrong or outdated.
3. Find yourself on Google
The above steps are aimed at erasing their activity, but there is still the third. To know, simply enter your name in Google I quoted. First classifies content between malicious and benign harmless because, as soon as you've moved in the network, you can not kill all the links and references. Contact managers by providing a copy of your ID to prove you are the person referred to.
In many cases you will not get an answer, but the data will disappear as if by magic. This usually happens within three to eight days. Ideally, repeat this process with the other search engines to get the desired effect.
Finally some information, especially comments, it will be impossible to put them out of circulation. In these cases the 'modus operandi' of companies who dedicate themselves to 'clean' profiles is to flood the negative points with dozens of positive reviews. You know the saying, so do not miss out on the first screen of Google, does not exist.
VideoPad is a video editing application developed by NCH Software for the home and professional market. The software is complemented by the VirtualDub plug-ins that work with the software. VideoPad is part of a suite that integrates with other software created by NCH Software. This other software includes WavePad, a sound-editing program; MixPad, a sound-mixing program and PhotoPad, an image editor.
We have done a video of some interwievs of sports in the high school.
We have done a video of some interwievs of sports in the high school.
lunes, 9 de junio de 2014
Computer Security
Information Security refers to the
characteristics and conditions of data processing systems and storage, to ensure
confidentiality, integrity and availability.
. Physical security
It is one that seeks to protect the hardware (wiring, computer tower, etc ...) of any accident or disaster: from theft (shoplifting) to natural disasters such as earthquakes
Physical security can be subjected to: fire, theft, flood, electrical surge and etc.
Here are our recommendations:
It is one that seeks to protect the hardware (wiring, computer tower, etc ...) of any accident or disaster: from theft (shoplifting) to natural disasters such as earthquakes
Physical security can be subjected to: fire, theft, flood, electrical surge and etc.
Here are our recommendations:
■ Cleans very appropriate from time to time,
both readers and the motherboard and inside the tower, using the products for
■ Try not to drink or pour liquids near the peripheral or the same motherboard. As an electronic component that is, it can reach your computer unusable .
■ Beware the voltage supported by the plate. Make sure that the voltage is correct revising the power supply.
■ Do not handle or you save the BIOS data unless you know to handle it properly, it could prove fatal.
■ Study well the data on your computer before making "overclocking" (make adjustments to "force" a little machine. Careful with this, because if you touch it you should not can "carry you" the computer ...)
■ Try not to drink or pour liquids near the peripheral or the same motherboard. As an electronic component that is, it can reach your computer unusable .
■ Beware the voltage supported by the plate. Make sure that the voltage is correct revising the power supply.
■ Do not handle or you save the BIOS data unless you know to handle it properly, it could prove fatal.
■ Study well the data on your computer before making "overclocking" (make adjustments to "force" a little machine. Careful with this, because if you touch it you should not can "carry you" the computer ...)
. Logical Security
Software protects computer equipment, applications and really important data (like passwords and personal data) from theft, data loss and etc...
Software protects computer equipment, applications and really important data (like passwords and personal data) from theft, data loss and etc...
why we recommend the following:
■ Always have a backup (or several) of the most important data from your PC to have them even if your computer has a problem.
■ Install a good antivirus and I updated. Although it is free (there are really good, such as Avast or Avira free antivirus) work really well.
■ Do not open any suspicious or unsigned file without having spent a good antivirus scan. It is best to consult a specialized forum (as forospyware, for example) if you've opted for one in particular.
■ Much care and subtlety to the subject of the password. Write a reliable password for you but hard to decipher, especially to all the important files, or contain data that is actually useful. It is not recommended to use a different password for multiple accounts.
■ Always have a backup (or several) of the most important data from your PC to have them even if your computer has a problem.
■ Install a good antivirus and I updated. Although it is free (there are really good, such as Avast or Avira free antivirus) work really well.
■ Do not open any suspicious or unsigned file without having spent a good antivirus scan. It is best to consult a specialized forum (as forospyware, for example) if you've opted for one in particular.
■ Much care and subtlety to the subject of the password. Write a reliable password for you but hard to decipher, especially to all the important files, or contain data that is actually useful. It is not recommended to use a different password for multiple accounts.
lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014
Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software. In place of slides and bullet points (a la PowerPoint or Keynote), Prezi uses a “zoomable canvas” upon which concepts can be displayed. The speaker navigates amongst the data and visuals along a pre-determined navigation “path,” telling a compelling story that sticks in the minds of the audience and makes for a more effective presentation.
Getting Started
If your organization has a style guide, a set of easily imported graphics, or a standard PPT deck, Prezi has some great resources to get you started with the look and feel of your first presentation here Need more help? Enlisting design help with Prezi is easy, and like PowerPoint, hours and days are a good measure of the time required to create a compelling Prezi, not weeks or months.What Prezi is not
Prezi is not the key to a successful pitch or presentation. Prezi is a tool. When wielded in the right hands and combined with a trained speaker and content that matters, Prezi can differentiate you from the competition. Notice that I didn’t say that content need be compelling when you bring it to Prezi. In our experience, content need only matter to your audience. Making important content compelling is something Prezi does quite network
A social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations) and a set of the dyadic ties between these actors. The social network perspective provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety of theories explaining the patterns observed in these structures.[1] The study of these structures uses social network analysis to identify local and global patterns, locate influential entities, and examine network dynamics.
1. Social Connections Keeping in touch with friends and family members is one of the greatest benefits of social networking. Here is a list of the most widely-used websites for building social connections online. Facebook: Arguably the most popular social media utility, Facebook provides a way for users to build connections and share information with people and organizations they choose to interact with online. Twitter: Share your thoughts and keep up with others via this real-time information network. Google +: This relatively new entrant to the social connection marketplace is designed to allow users to build circles of contacts that they are able to interact with and that is integrated with other Google products MySpace: Though it initially began as a general social media site, MySpace has evolved to focus on social entertainment, providing a venue for social connections related to movies, music games and more.
2. Multimedia Sharing Social networking makes it easy to share video and photography content online. Here are some of the most popular sites for multimedia sharing. YouTube: Social media platform that allows users to share and view video content Flickr: This site provides a powerful option for managing digital photographs online, as well as for sharing them with others. Picasa: Similar to Flickr, Picasa provides a way to organize and share photos. It is a Google product and so offers integrated tagging and sharing with Google+.
3. Professional Professional social networks are designed to provide opportunities for career-related growth. Some of these types of networks provide a general forum for professionals to connect, while others are focused on specific occupations or interests. A few examples of professional social networks are listed below. LinkedIn: As of November of 2011, LinkedIn had more than 135 million members, making it the largest online professional network. Participants have an opportunity to build relationships by making connections and joining relevant groups. Classroom 2.0: Social network specifically designed to help teachers connect, share and help each other with profession-specific matters. Nurse Connect: Online community designed to help individuals in the nursing profession connect and communicate with each other.
1. Social Connections Keeping in touch with friends and family members is one of the greatest benefits of social networking. Here is a list of the most widely-used websites for building social connections online. Facebook: Arguably the most popular social media utility, Facebook provides a way for users to build connections and share information with people and organizations they choose to interact with online. Twitter: Share your thoughts and keep up with others via this real-time information network. Google +: This relatively new entrant to the social connection marketplace is designed to allow users to build circles of contacts that they are able to interact with and that is integrated with other Google products MySpace: Though it initially began as a general social media site, MySpace has evolved to focus on social entertainment, providing a venue for social connections related to movies, music games and more.
2. Multimedia Sharing Social networking makes it easy to share video and photography content online. Here are some of the most popular sites for multimedia sharing. YouTube: Social media platform that allows users to share and view video content Flickr: This site provides a powerful option for managing digital photographs online, as well as for sharing them with others. Picasa: Similar to Flickr, Picasa provides a way to organize and share photos. It is a Google product and so offers integrated tagging and sharing with Google+.
3. Professional Professional social networks are designed to provide opportunities for career-related growth. Some of these types of networks provide a general forum for professionals to connect, while others are focused on specific occupations or interests. A few examples of professional social networks are listed below. LinkedIn: As of November of 2011, LinkedIn had more than 135 million members, making it the largest online professional network. Participants have an opportunity to build relationships by making connections and joining relevant groups. Classroom 2.0: Social network specifically designed to help teachers connect, share and help each other with profession-specific matters. Nurse Connect: Online community designed to help individuals in the nursing profession connect and communicate with each other.
domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014
A selfie is a type of self-portrait photgraph. It is associated with social networks like twitter or instagram, I don´t usually do selfies because I don´t like to pose. My last selfie was in the commercial centre with my friend Oscar. This is the origins of selfie: Robert Cornelius, an American pioneer in photography, produced a daguerreotype of himself in 1839 which is also one of the first photographs of a person. Because the process was slow he was able to uncover the lens, run into shot for a minute or more, and then replace the lens cap. He recorded on the back "The first light Picture ever taken. 1839."
One example of selfie is:
One example of selfie is:
viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014
GIMP is a page in which you can add one image to anothger and you can have a image like if you are in this place. The other day we do an image in which I put me in a famous school called Oxford because I want to study there. In the next work I did a lemon with a face of a person. We did another GIMP of Don Juan Tenorio and we put some images of the play in the underground of the IES Juanelo Turriano. One example of a GIMP:
sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014
The past week we did an exam of a didactic unit called networks.
Network is a set of computers and electronic devices connected together aimed at sharing resources, information and services. We learn about types of networks, IP directions, etc.
Network is a set of computers and electronic devices connected together aimed at sharing resources, information and services. We learn about types of networks, IP directions, etc.
viernes, 17 de enero de 2014
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